About Us

Our Mission

ThirdPath is a national nonprofit that assists individuals, families and leaders in finding new ways to redesign work and life to create time for family, community and other life priorities. We are developing a growing community of role models and change agents to influence wider change—both within organizations and families. We support a new mind-set where everyone can follow a "third path"—an integrated approach to work and life.

Sergio and family

What We Do

Founded in 1999, ThirdPath Institute works with individuals, leaders, and caregivers who want to redesign their lives, communities, and organizations to make time and space for life priorities and carework, while also pursuing fulfilling paid work and careers. We organize one-of-a-kind events and learning groups that help people envision a new approach to work, family, and leadership. We help our community find solutions that supports their journey toward a joyful life with time to focus on what matters most to them.

Our Vision

A world organized around a new norm where people of all genders, at every point in the life cycle, can create time and energy to care well for their loved ones alongside paid work. A celebration of how this promotes happier families, more effective workplaces and greater wellness for all.

NY Sept - Hudson Yards - Sitting on NYC
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About Our Founder

ThirdPath Jessica

Jessica founded ThirdPath Institute so employees at all stages in their lives could follow a “third path”—one that allows success at work while creating time and energy for their lives outside of work. Starting with “shared care,” Jessica and her team, developed a variety of resources for parents interested in sharing in the care of their children while also both earning an income.  Since then, ThirdPath’s work has expanded to provide support to “whole life leaders” —leaders who have succeeded at work while also carving out time for their lives outside of work. These pioneering leaders are now working with Jessica to better understand what’s required to create truly 21st Century Workplaces where everyone—from entry level to executive level—can create an integrated approach to work and life.