Leading the Mission: How ThirdPath Pioneered Parental Wellbeing Before the Surgeon General’s Warning

The recent Surgeon General’s warning on the detrimental effects of loneliness and isolation underscores the importance of mental health and social connection in our lives. However, long before this formal recognition, ThirdPath has been a trailblazer in promoting wellbeing by helping parents thrive both at work and at home. Here are seven ways in which ThirdPath has led the mission toward parental wellbeing and created a framework that addresses the very issues now highlighted by the Surgeon General.

1. Pioneering Work-Life Integration

ThirdPath’s core mission has always been about integrating work and life, not just balancing them. This approach recognizes that parents often juggle multiple and changing roles, and success in one area should not come at the expense of another. By advocating for new approaches to work, family and career success, ThirdPath has long supported parents in creating solutions that foster both professional and personal responsibilities.

2. Promoting Mental Health Through Community Building

Long before loneliness became a focal point of national concern, ThirdPath emphasized the importance of building community as a way to promote mental health. By fostering networks of like-minded individuals who understood the importance of a world that values work AND care, ThirdPath has created a supportive environment where parents can share experiences, seek advice, and find comfort in knowing they are not alone in their struggles. This sense of belonging is crucial for combating the loneliness epidemic the Surgeon General warns against. 

3. Advocating for Parental Leave Policies

ThirdPath has been a long-time advocate not just for parents being able to take time during the early months of parenthood, but to also have time for every stage after that, including caring for aging loved ones. As Elissa Strauss, journalist and author of When You Care, The Unexpected Magic of Caring for Others says, this is bigger than a parental leave problem, this is about putting care in the center of the whole way of doing life. Creating new systems that support work AND care, instead of work OR care is one of the most powerful ways to reduce parental burnout.

4. Supporting Whole-Person Wellbeing

ThirdPath’s approach to wellbeing extends beyond the professional sphere. Recognizing that parents are not just workers, but whole persons with needs that span physical, emotional, and mental health. ThirdPath provides resources and support systems that address these diverse aspects of wellbeing. This holistic approach ensures better mental health as encouraged by the Surgeon General. It helps parents set goals that reach, not just for surviving, but for thriving in all areas of life.

5. Innovating with Flexible Work Solutions

In a world where rigid work schedules can contribute to increased stress and isolation, ThirdPath has championed the cause of flexible work solutions since our beginning, and well before the pandemic. Whether through advocating for flexible hours, remote work, or working reduced hours. ThirdPath has empowered parents to take control of their work schedules, reducing stress and increasing time spent with family. This flexibility is a crucial element in preventing the isolation and mental health challenges that the Surgeon General’s warning seeks to address.

6. Providing Education and Resources to Individuals and Team Leaders

Understanding that change must come from both sides, ThirdPath has also worked with leaders to support their work-life integration goals. By providing resources and training to managers and leaders, ThirdPath helps them become role models and change agents who then create more family-friendly workplaces. These efforts ensure that all employees – from early career to phasing into retirement — mitigate the factors that contribute to the loneliness and mental health crisis identified by the Surgeon General.

7. Leading by Example

Finally, ThirdPath has not only advocated for these changes but has also embodied them within its organization. By practicing what it preaches, ThirdPath has shown that it is possible to create a work environment that supports both professional success and personal wellbeing. This leadership by example done in coordination with other members of the ThirdPath community is amplifying the impact of ThirdPath’s mission and contributing to a broader cultural shift toward recognizing and addressing the importance of not just parental wellbeing, but everyone’s wellbeing.

ThirdPath’s Legacy and the Future of Parental Wellbeing

ThirdPath’s work in the realm of parental wellbeing has long predated the Surgeon General’s warning, but it has never been more critical and relevant. By addressing loneliness, stress, and burnout through a multifaceted approach to work-life integration, ThirdPath has created a model that not only supports parents but also provides a blueprint for how we can create a healthier, more connected society for all.

ThirdPath Institute’s Mission and Resources

At ThirdPath, we are dedicated to helping individuals, families, and organizations create a culture that supports work-life integration and gender equity. Our mission is to provide resources, support, and education to empower people to lead balanced and fulfilling lives. We offer a variety of programs, workshops, and tools designed to help you achieve your work-life integration goals.

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