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The Daddy Juggle: Work, Life, Family and Chaos

A new generation of fathers with corporate jobs is joining the debate about balancing work and family, a conversation long…


Alpha Dads: Men Get Serious About Work-Life Balance

“ ‘Work-life balance’ is one of these terms that tends to get overused,” says Rob Lanoue, a partner with Deloitte’s consulting…


Shared Parenting: Why Modern Families Are Choosing Equality

Neither full-time domestic servants nor harried breadwinners, Billy and Tanya are a new breed of modern couples: one for which…


When Mom and Dad Share It All

Gender should not determine the division of labor at home. It’s a message consistent with nearly every major social trend…


Family Values

For all of the rhetoric about new gender roles, the ghosts of a past generation still linger. Yes, men cook,…