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Stop Blaming Dads For Not Doing Enough Childcare

A new Pew Research Center report about dual-breadwinner households has been the talk of working parents in recent weeks. The…


It’s High Time for the 4-Day Workweek

Compressed workweeks — the delightful term human resources people use for putting in 40 hours in fewer than five days…


Lotte Bailyn is redefining the rules of work and family

Lotte Bailyn hates the phrase work–life balance. “Work–life” implies that the two exist in separate spheres. And “balance” implies that…


Have a hard time escaping work? Here’s how to make sure your vacation actually feels like one

It’s summer, time for idyllic family vacations, right? But if you’re like most Americans, it’s hard to get away from…


Navigating Tradeoffs in a Dual-Career Marriage

Dual-career couples especially struggle with tradeoffs, not only between work and personal life, but between each of their careers (and…


How to decide who should take parental leave

Unlike previous generations, Millennial men have stood out in their willingness to take on household duties, split childcare responsibilities, and…


When Men Take Off Time for Their Family

When men take time off to care for family members, their long-term earnings suffer, just as women’s do…. In fact,…


‘We’re winging it’: The unpredictable role of dad caring for dad

Nearly two out of three family caregivers are women, but Biro is part of a growing number of men in…


A third way to work life balance

Do you want to work but get more time out of your day to spend with your family, but lack…