Free Resources

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Whether you are an individual, leader, or caregiver, ThirdPath has free resources to help you begin your journey. Our resources include case studies, exercises, and encouragement to help you get where you want to go as you create time for life priorities, reform your organization, or boost personal and collective knowledge about living in an integrated way. Scroll down for our list of currently available resources, and feel free to share them with a friend, or two!

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Fairness Quiz - Learning to share the mental load

Catch our new resource - B. Hibb's Fairness Quiz - and listen to our recent Thursdays with ThirdPath Live Podcast to learn more.

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Push Back at Overwhelm

A one-page survey that illustrates why committing to your life outside of work, helps you work smarter.

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Four Ways to Flex

A quick overview of the four different ways to flex work. See which of these options apply to your job.

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Creating Recharge Time

What do you want to create more time for? Friends, Exercise, Yoga, Healthy Cooking, Date Night?

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Work-Life Integration Skills

Become the “New Ideal Employee” by practicing these eight essential skills for work-life integration.

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Flexing Work and Family

Use this simple exercise to help you “dream bigger” around your work and family goals.

Jessica DeGroot and friends at daughter Jocey's beer garden
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Transformative Flex

See how ThirdPath leaders used flex to transform their organizations and better navigate the pandemic.

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Book a Free Consultation Call

If you're not sure where to start your third path, contact us for a free 30-minute consultation call with one of our staff members.

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Thursdays with ThirdPath!

Once a month we release a  podcast called Thursdays with ThirdPath that brings together leaders in the field to talk about new approaches to work and life. This year's theme is “Celebrating 25 Years of the ThirdPath Approach!”

You can watch previous episodes by visiting our YouTube channel.

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