Family Redesign

for Caregivers and Community Members

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Family redesign can be both joy-filled and challenging. Here at ThirdPath, we suggest that individuals who want to create a unique work-life solution for themselves and their families begin by thinking about what matters most to them. With creativity and courage, you and your family can design a family life directed by your personal priorities and values. We call this your "North Star." Explore our resources and dedicated programming to help design a new approach to family life that is shaped by your goals.

Start Learning about Family Redesign

Check our latest podcasts, blog posts, and stories about family redesign. Learn how to find your "North Star" to guide your family into a new approach to work and life.

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Time for Work and Family

Bryan and his wife both worked four-days a week when their son was born. Here’s what Bryan gained from this arrangement.


Navigating Love, Family & Two Careers

Whole Life Leaders move ahead in their career while also creating time for their children and relationship to each other.


Money, Time and Family Care

Can you design a financial solution that allows you the time you want, not just the money you need?

Parents Forum

Our Virtual Parents Forum will take place this February! Register today to reserve your spot.


Parents Forum

ThirdPath’s virtual Parents Forum provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet other parents just like you. Learn more and register today!

Thursdays with ThirdPath

On the second Thursday of every month we release a new podcast to learn about the science and future of work-life integration. During these discussions we showcase individuals who have followed an integrated approach to work and life. This season, our theme is "Celebrating 25 Years of the ThirdPath Approach!"

Work Family Options Workbook


Redesigning your personal approach to work and life requires good communication, planning, and a willingness to be flexible. We have a free two-part handbook to jumpstart your redesign. The handbook includes case studies and exercises to help you work with family members and other caregivers as you craft your unique third path. To receive your free workbook, click on the button below!

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Biennial Parents Forum and Annual Father's Day Event

We have two regular events designed especially for parents and grandparents! Our annual Father's Day event happens every year, and our next Parents Forum will take place in 2024.

Will Rowe and son

Annual Father's Day Event

Each Father’s Day we host a virtual Father’s Day event where dads (and moms) bring their unique wisdom, challenges, and expertise to the table to discuss the future of integrated fathering.


Parents Forum

Every other year we host a Parents Forum for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers. Our next Parents Forum will happen Spring 2024.

Free Resources

Want to start creating an “integrated” approach to work and family right now? Download our free Work Family Options Workbook. Or check out additional free resources like exercises to take stock of your current situation, and lots more!

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