Unfinished Business, Women Men Work Family


In our Thursdays With ThirdPath webinar with Anne-Marie Slaughter she discusses her ground breaking new book, Unfinished Business, Women Men Work Family. In it she makes the case that we need a cultural shift, both at home and at work, that places caregiving on an equal footing with paid work. Only by doing this, she argues, will we achieve gender equality for men and women.

Listen to the wonderful discussion by clicking on the YouTube video. Or read on to discover how prioritizing life alongside work helps us succeed in both.

10 skills for following an integrated career path:

ThirdPath’s Pioneering Leaders have taught us why prioritizing life alongside work improves how we work – even in our new 24/7 business environment! Here’s what we’ve learned from them:

1) Create “quiet time” – Find ways to have regular, uninterrupted work time for thinking, assessing and planning.

2) Tame email overwhelm – Adopt better habits reviewing, managing and responding to emails. It will help you, and the people you email, work smarter.

3) Improve “workflow” – Increase you and your team’s ability to anticipate and manage the pace and quantity of the work you do.

4) Manage the seasons of work – Design systems, both at work and at home, to handle the periods of time when work is extra busy.

5) Design win win delegation – Use delegation as a way to mentor and grow more junior employees and to create more time for your most important work.

6) Take your vacations – Learn how to fully (or significantly) turn off work on vacation. Doing so improves everyone’s teamwork, planning, and creativity.

Anne Marie Slaughter

7) Maintain an experimental approach – Develop and test new ideas that clarify priorities, find efficiencies, and advance goals that support work and life.

8) Develop highly valued non-work activities – Stay committed to your life goals. Your on-going commitment to them will help you become more effective at work.

9) Get to know yourself better – Understand your own personal patterns, especially the ones that get in the way of making the changes you want.

10) Get gentle support from your partner and friends – Ask those closest to you to hold you gently accountable to your whole self.

Want to develop your integration skills and create a better balance between work and life? Join one of our OMG! – Overwhelm Mitigation Groups.

Email us at: Time4Life(at)ThirdPath.org. Put “OMG!” in the subject heading and we’ll send you more information.

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