Flexible Working Is Not The Problem!

Choose your path, old rules or new rules….

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Recently Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, announced she was putting a moratorium on working remotely.

Prior to this, Sheryl Sandburg COO of Facebook, and author of the soon to be released book “Lean In” explained that in order for women to succeed at work, instead of “pulling back” in their careers women should “lean in.”

Instead of “leaning into” the old rules … don’t we want to create organizations where both men and women can follow new rules?.

Given all the recent press on the “old rules” we thought it was important to remind ourselves why things can be done differently. This year we’ve been examining the 5 mandates for change Anne-Marie Slaughter outlined in her Atlantic article. To improve on the mandates we added “men and women” to each one.

Here’s what we’ve learned so far:

(1) Men and Women Changing the Culture of Face Time …

On our October Thursday call three employees – two men and one woman – all for very different reasons described how they were able to work remotely. All of them also discussed how their work had improved because of their ability to work remotely. (To listen to the call click here.)

(2) Men and Women Redefining the Arc of a Successful Career

On our January Thursday call we spoke with three male leaders who run organizations that support an integrated approach from entry level to executive level. Not only can these organizations attract and retain the best employees, click here to listen to the tape of the call to hear each leader discuss how this approach brings unique value to their clients.

(3) Men and Women Revaluing Family Values …

During our March Thursdays with ThirdPath calls we are exploring why men are as interested in rewriting the rules as women.

On Thursday 3/21 you can join us to hear two very different stories from two dads who redesigned their work so they could share in the care of their children.

This call is open to everyone, just click on the below link at 12:30pm on Thursday 3/21 to join us. (The call runs from 12:30 to 1:30pm ET.)


YES! Let’s create a movement for change and truly become an innovation nation.

Let’s do this by having men and women – especially male and female leaders – model integrated career paths.

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