Dads Making Time for Family

The Many Benefits of Dads’ Involvement at HomeMay June blog imageedit1

When Dads share in the primary care of their children they strengthen their families in many crucial ways.

One Many feel sharing both work and family responsibilities improves communication and brings parents closer together as a a couple.

Two – When sharing family care and paid work, both parents understand each other’s experiences better. Both learn, what’s enough work and what’s enough parenting so they have time to care for their relationship with each other.

Three – Each parent develops their own unique strengths around how to play with and care for their child. Together they develop a larger, more flexible set of tools to care for their family.

Four – Sharing care means sharing bread winning. By having both parents play a role in the family’s financial needs it can lead to creative decisions around how to manage earning, savings and spending as a way to have more family time or create more satisfying career paths.

Five – Having shared experiences around paid work means you become an excellent resource for each other around planning and strategizing next steps at work. It also means you have each others backs if some “next steps” take you by surprise.

Six – Creating a shared approach to work and family – especially when both parents have learned how to set boundaries at work – means both parents find more energy and creativity in both aspects of their lives. Work enriches life. Life enriches work.

In short, when Dads are supported and encouraged to play an active role at home – and both parents support each other to craft an integrated approach to work and life – the word “partner” takes on a whole new meaning.

Download our PDF “A Life Committed to Shared Care” to see how Shared Care Dads (and Moms) are creating solutions that are good for their families, good for their workplaces and good for Dads.

Would you like to create more time for your children? Your spouse? Yourself? Male or female, young or old, entry level or executive, there’s a win-win work redesign solution for every job – a flexible solution that is both good for you and good for your employer.

To learn more read Adam’s story. Adam successfully redesigned his work to help share in the care of his two school age children. Adam’s story also shows us that men, women, children AND organizations can benefit from these changes. To learn more click on Adam’s win-win solution highlighted on the ‘Integrated Life – Creating More Flex’ section of our website.

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