Overwork and Burnout are No Longer a Badge of Honor

September 29, 2022
For ThirdPath Institute, being “integrated” means having time and energy for all the essential things in life. Instead of always prioritizing more money or more things, integrated professionals also value more time. Too often, those who work the longest get monetary rewards and a badge of honor. The ThirdPath community is changing this. Their commitment to doing things differently is helping reduce chronic overwork and third-degree burnout. ThirdPath also discovered, because of the more flexible approach members of their community had already adopted, they felt more prepared for the pandemic. Though still novel to some, the belief that you can advance in your career and have time for your life has been Jessica DeGroot’s rally for over 20 years. If this resonates with you, listen to this podcast and learn more about how you can be truly successful in life without sacrificing your health and relationships.